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美国西北大学Antonio Facchetti教授学术报告

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2023-01-05   浏览:

2023年1月3日,受天津大学胡文平教授邀请,美国西北大学Antonio Facchetti教授通过bilibili(哔哩哔哩)、微博等平台同步直播了题目为“Unconventional materials and transistor architectures for coupled ionic-electronic charge transport”的学术报告。

在报告中,Antonio Facchetti教授从OTFTs的分子设计、OECTs的可拉伸半导体形貌、新型垂直ECT装置结构和电解质栅控互补电路四个方面进行了详细介绍。Antonio Facchetti教授团队受自然启发,将有机半导体与聚苯乙烯混合,制备了一种多孔有机半导体膜,不仅表现出优异的性能,同时对多个体系显示出一定的通用性。另外,针对OECT在拉伸条件下稳定输出的问题,Antonio Facchetti教授团队通过结合有序蜂窝状半导体聚合物制备方法与双向预拉伸技术,成功制备了在可拉伸范围内保持高度稳定的OECT。报告后,Antonio Facchetti教授与参会师生深入探讨了器件结构制备的方法和原理,并交流了OECT器件在制备工艺中的相关技术问题。


Antonio Facchetti教授学术报告


Antonio Facchetti is a co-founder and currently the Chief Technology Officer of Flexterra Corporation. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University. He has published more than 550 research articles,15 bookchapters, and holds more than 120 patents. He received the ACS Award for Creative Invention, the Giulio Natta Gold Medal of the Italian Chemical Society, the team ID TechEx Printed Electronics Europe Award, the corporate Flextech Award. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, MRS, AAAS, PMSE, Kavli, and RSC Fellow. He was selected among the "TOP 100 MATERIALS SCIENTISTS OF THE PAST DECADE (2000-2010)" and recognized as a Highly Cited Scientist by Thomson Rcuters.